Yesterday, we went to the clinic for our Orientation. First, I got to see Baby C and then I rode with her mom to the appointment. We went to the wrong office of the clinic and had to go to the other which made us very late.
The IF gave a sample to freeze. We’ll use that frozen sample to fertilize when the time comes. If the fresh cycle doesn’t work and we have no frozen embryos, we’ll have to wait another 6 months for another frozen sample to clear quarantine! I’m hoping that the IF will give more samples just in case…
All three of us gave blood but I gave the most tubes. It was a lot less than donating blood but the tubes make it look like a huge amount.
The nurse talked a lot but answered pretty much all of our questions. I interrupted her explanation of the IVF process and explained it to myself. Later, I decided that it was probably rude…but it sped things up a lot and let her get to the details. I was bored and hungry.
The resident came to do my medical history. She was…not very good. She must have been really new and was not at all comfortable with histories. She also made several comments not at all appropriate and I didn’t like her much at all. We got through it…but I was still hungry and getting cranky.
Then, I had a saline sonogram. My IM wasn’t so sure she wanted to be there. I don’t think she thought it was as cool as I did. But the medical stuff from the needles to the ultrasounds just doesn’t bother me. I got the all clear there.
The RE picked on me about my tattoo and the tongue ring. He seems to be religious. He claims he’ll treat me like his own daughter. I’m not sure I like that…but he was talking about aiming for 14-16 eggs, no huge numbers like some clinics try for with egg donors. He says 75% will likely fertilize. His goal is a transfer of a single embryo at day 5 or possibly two but he recommended one. Since I know my IPs want 1 only, that’s fine. And he gave us a chance of 60% with a single embryo transfer.
Like all really good doctors, he has that “I am god” attitude but he seems to be a benevolent god and I think it will be interesting to work with him and the clinic.
Test results due in one to two weeks. They’ll call if my test results come back wonky. They said that no news is good news. There better not be anything wonky…but if there is, I have plenty of time to get it fixed. They did not weigh me or take my blood pressure. They did not have me sign a release of records to get my records from Cooper or my OB.
Now, we have psych screening at some point…and the legal stuff but the IP’s lawyer wants to wait until closer to the time to do the legal stuff.
I’m supposed to call when I get my period in August. Then they’ll do baseline bloods and US. And our 7 weeks will begin. Estimated transfer? September 2009.
April 2009