So Casper is registered for the manners class. Sometimes, I think these classes are helping us a lot. Others, I think they're a waste of time. The classes aren't really any good if I don't follow up, work with him, and reinforce. The classes give me the method but alone they mean little. Next Saturday, Casper will have to miss his class so I can go to Baby C's birthday party. It won't really matter. And the Saturday after that, we'll pick up wiht Manners in teh same time slot: 10:15-11:15 Saturday morning.
I skipped today's concession stand meeting in favor of continuing the Vampire game a little longer. My character, Isabelle, is charming and amazingly deadly. Because of her gender and the time period (during the crusades) people underestimate her. She's on the Road of Heaven and restricts her feeding to only bad people. There are plenty to hunt in Rome of those times, and good games to be had. With an 8 rating in her current road, there are a lot of things I can't do with her...but the things I can are quite fun. This week, I convinced a priest with 'true faith' to let me have some holy water instead of chasing me from the church and I got to kill a demon.
Dee, my 5-year-old wonderful destructive bunny isn't eating much and is refusing dry food entirely. She's losing weight. I'm loading her up with fresh greens, fruit, and veggies. The vet assures me that there's no bowel obstruction (which is common in rabbits). She's just getting older. Some rabbits can live 12-15 years but Dee is a large breed, not spayed, and probably from bad lines since she's a pet store bunny.
Oh...and if you're on Facebook, add me! And then come join my Mafia. I need more Mafia members.
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April 2009
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